Weekly horoscope: 2 astrologers' predictions for Monday 6th June—Sunday 12th June

Curious to know what the week has in store for you?

Starry sky at night, mono lake, california, usa
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Read your weekly horoscope from expert astrologers Sally Morgan and Penny Thornton, and discover what's in store for the week ahead...

Astrology is no doubt a fascinating subject—in fact, it's one of the most interesting hobbies for women if you're keen to look into the topic more. While your 2022 horoscope will provide a look into the next 12 months, our weekly horoscopes will help provide a guide for your next seven days. Our resident world-class psychic astrologers forecast for every star sign on love, family, career and more. So check back weekly for our free forecast!

About our astrologers


Penny Thornton is a world-renowned astrologer, and has been sharing horoscopes with woman&home readers for many years.

Classically trained by the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, she was previously the personal astrologer to Diana, Princess of Wales. She has since taught and lectured across the world, and has had eight astrological books published, including Synastry, a benchmark book in the industry.


Sally Morgan is a popular British astrologer and psychic, having appeared on numerous TV shows throughout the years.

Sally is well known for her live stage shows and TV shows, which see her delivering psychic readings to members of the public. She also offers private readings, has published multiple books, and even has her own podcast 'Voices with Sally Morgan'.

Weekly horoscope, Monday 6th June—Sunday 12th June

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Aries are born between March 21—April 19. Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac, with the symbol of an Aries being a ram. Aries are typically passionate, confident, and motivated. 

"Looking for a dining set delivered to your door within 24 hours? You're too busy to spend time shopping. Maybe ask a friend or partner to help compile a shortlist."

Sally Morgan

"Jupiter doesn’t guarantee success and good luck, but it does. however, help. So, be confident and courageous, whatever the occasion, and don’t let those doubt devils get a look in."

Penny Thornton

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Taurus' are born between April 20-May 20. Taurus is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Taurus being a bull. Taurians are typically hardworking, intelligent, and dedicated.

"News you’ve been waiting to hear comes to light this week. You enjoy a close and varied family life, when a celebration is called for you’ll be first in line."

Sally Morgan

"If these last couple of years have taught you anything it is that nothing stays the same forever. Expect a surprise outcome or some last-minute changes to a planned event."

Penny Thornton

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Geminis are born between May 21-June 21. Gemini is an air sign, with the symbol of a Gemini being twins. Geminis are typically easy-going, enthusiastic and sociable—but are said to have two sides to their personality.

"If you’re helping an older neighbour move while Mars, the planet of action, is in your zone, get to know them, ask what life was like when they were younger."

Sally Morgan

"Mind over matter matters! You can turn around a difficulty and get others to see a situation a whole different way. Nothing is set in stone. There’s room to manoeuvre."

Penny Thornton

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Cancers are born between June 21-July 22. Cancer is a water sign, with the symbol of a Cancer being a crab. Cancers are typically loyal, caring, and very protective over loved ones.

"Your dynamic ideas will work wonders when you’re put in charge of a project that requires a lot of fine detail and clever decisions. Hard work always pays off!"

Sally Morgan

"There is nothing wrong in revealing your ambition and showing people that you intend to achieve it. Make your move under these stars, and the universe will fully back you."

Penny Thornton

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Leos are born between July 23-August 22. Leo is a fire sign, with the symbol of a Leo being a Lion. Leos are typically confident, comfortable being the center of attention, and big-hearted. 

"If you’re travelling, allow for hold-ups. Leaving plenty of time will help to relax you and give you time to think about your exciting week ahead. Planning is the key!"

Sally Morgan

"You may not be able to guarantee the results of your efforts now, but one thing’s for sure, the higher you aim, the further your arrows of desire will go."

Penny Thornton

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Virgos are born between August 23-September 22. Virgo is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Virgo being a 'maiden'. Virgos are typically hardworking, reliable, and stubborn.

"Listening to music at home will have you dancing away and planning to see your favourite band. This week’s celestial alignments suggest sharing a wonderful experience with your closest family."

Sally Morgan

"Obey that impulse this week. Your intuition is guiding you and for once your rational mind needs to be silenced. Your inner navigator can see the way ahead far better."

Penny Thornton

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Libras are born between September 23-October 22. Libra is an air sign, with the symbol of a Libra being scales. Libras are typically diplomatic, fair, and very sociable.

"You’ve gained wisdom and experience through life experiences. So, develop these qualities and allow yourself to show your brilliant side. Keep living up to your high standards and encouraging others."

Sally Morgan

"This is a period of great opportunity. Offers could be on the table and people are pursuing you for your talents and charm. However, don’t underestimate a threat to your position."

Penny Thornton

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Scorpios are born between October 23-November 21. Scorpio is a water sign, with the symbol of a Scorpio being a scorpion. Scorpios are typically brave, determined, and ambitious. 

"You may have to pinch yourself, but rest assured the letter you're reading is correct. It’s about time you had a lucky break and good karma is heading your way."

Sally Morgan

"Before you pull the plug on a partnership or working alliance, be sure you can live without it. Likewise, be careful of rushing into a romance without knowing the backstory."

Penny Thornton

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Sagittarius' are born between November 22-December 21. Sagittarius is a fire sign, with the symbol of a Sagittarius being a bow and arrow. Sagittarius' are typically optimistic, fun-loving, and intellectual. 

"You’re active and motivated, but while Neptune’s in retrograde nothing seems obvious. The universe may present you with interesting options, be careful to choose the direction that’s best for you."

Sally Morgan

"Your spirit of adventure is being stirred, and you are on winning form. Keep your focus, don’t skip on the preparation and reveal what a star you are. Happy days!"

Penny Thornton

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Capricorns are born between December 22-January 19. Capricorn is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Capricorn being a sea-goat. Capricorns are typically very hard-working, persistent, and sensitive.

"You could meet a new travelling companion by striking up a conversation with a stranger. It will reward you with an in-depth conversation on a subject that you’re passionate about."

Sally Morgan

"Sometimes those unanticipated glitches turn out to be the reason an event is extra special. So, leave room for the uninvited and the unorthodox, and then all will be well."

Penny Thornton

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Aquarius' are born between January 20-February 18. Aquarius is an air sign, with the symbol of Aquarius being a water-bearer. Aquarians are typically assertive, analytical, and independent.

"The primal Sun and messenger Mercury are influencing one sector of your chart, so stick to your routine. Children and grandchildren ask for your expertise, making you feel young at heart."

Sally Morgan

"If something is making a funny noise, don’t ignore it. Simply fix it. This is an astro-climate in which items you rely on go off-piste, and that includes people too."

Penny Thornton

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Pisces' are born between February 19-March 20. Pisces is a water sign, with the symbol of Pisces being two fish. Pisces men and women are typically empathetic, romantic, and imaginative.

"Nothing stops you contacting a trusted friend who can remind you of how deserving of love you are. Don't feel disappointed or deflated while the Sun’s in Cancer. Be grateful."

Sally Morgan

"A calculated risk is worth taking. Likewise, an instinct should be followed. Make sure you don’t talk yourself out of a courageous move, as fortune more often favours the brave."

Penny Thornton
Penny Thornton
Astrologer and author

Penny Thornton is an astrologer and author. Classically trained by the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, she was awarded its Diploma in 1977. Penny has had eight books published including Synastry, the astrology of relationships and most recently, Astrology in the Workplace.

She combines her work as a serious astrologer with writing columns for magazines in the UK and Europe and appearing on television. In the year 2000 she established Astrolutely.com, now one of the top astrology sites in the world.

In her former life, Penny was a member of the Royal Ballet Company.