Queen Elizabeth II's 'stunning' Christmas-themed gift from Jordanian royalty revealed

Queen Elizabeth II hosted King Hussein of Jordan at Buckingham Palace in 1966

Queen Elizabeth II's 'stunning' Christmas-themed gift from Jordanian royalty revealed
(Image credit: Tim Graham / Contributor / Getty Images)

Queen Elizabeth II was gifted a stunning piece by the Jordanian King in 1966, the Royal Collection Trust has revealed. 

Queen Elizabeth II's Christmas-themed gift from King Hussein during the Jordanian State Visit to Britain over 50 years ago has delighted royal fans.  

The Royal Family hosted the foreign leader and his wife, Princess Muna, at Buckingham Palace in July 1966. 

On Wednesday, the Royal Collection Trust shared an image of the Jordanian King's gift to Queen Elizabeth II during his stay. The monarch of the Middle Eastern nation gave Her Majesty a Bible, in recognition of his regal host's strong Christian faith. On the cover of the Holy Book, a Nativity scene is beautifully carved in Mother of Pearl. The shimmering material, technically called 'nacre', is derived from the insides of oysters and has long been touted for its healing properties. 

According to the Royal Collection Trust's official website, the unique Bible was "presented in a rectangular casket decorated in mother of pearl with floral borders, central reserve with floral decoration." If that wasn't majestic enough, the casket was also "lined in red velvet with gold-colored twine." 


Queen Elizabeth II and King Hussein of Jordan in 1984

(Image credit: Getty)

Royal fans were quick to react to the antique, with many taking to the comments section of Instagram to praise its gorgeous aesthetic. 

Some described the King's thoughtful gift to the Queen as "stunning," while several others hailed it as "beautiful" and "lovely." One person remarked on the weight of the Bible, noting that it "looks heavy" but also "incredible." 

King Hussein enjoyed a grandiose welcome to Britain in 1966, with the Duke of Kent meeting him upon arrival before accompanying him to Victoria to meet the Queen and Prince Philip. 

After the inspection of the Guard, the monarch rode with the UK royals to Buckingham Palace in a ceremonial procession. He also attended a State Banquet hosted by the Queen and a reception at Dorchester Hotel during his 10-day-long tour. 

In 1984, Her Majesty made her first state visit to Jordan. During a formal dinner in the capital of Amman, she reportedly revealed that the trip was "a lifelong ambition" of hers and praised King Hussein for making the country a "beacon of stability." 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.