Prince William and Kate Middleton moving plans have left close friends 'aghast'

Prince William and Kate Middleton are reportedly hoping to leave London for the countryside

Prince William and Kate Middleton moving plans leave friends 'aghast'
(Image credit: Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

Prince William and Kate Middleton are reportedly planning on moving out of their London home for a new life in Berkshire, much to the shock of their city friends. 

Prince William and Kate Middleton are planning to move to Berkshire with their three children for a peaceful life in the country, according to an inside source. 

The Cambridge family currently spends most of their time at Kensington Palace, where they reside in a twenty-room, four-story condo known as Apartment 1A. 

Their second-most frequented home is Anmer Hall, a Georgian manor in Norfolk which was gifted to the Duke and Duchess in 2013 by the Queen as a belated wedding present. If you thought a choice of two mansions was already excessive, just wait—their real estate collection also includes properties outside of England. 

Anmer Hall

Anmer Hall 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The couple owns a quaint three-bedroom cottage called Tam-Na-Ghar nearby to Balmoral Castle, the Queen's Scottish holiday home. It's understood that Kate and Will have used the rural residence, which was given to the Duke by the late Queen Mother, as a retreat from the public eye ever since the early stages of their relationship. 

It has now been speculated that William and Kate, clearly attracted by the allure of country living, are hoping to up-sticks and move to the home county of Berkshire while their children are still young. The couple is reportedly hoping to raise George, 8, Charlotte, 6, and Louis, 3, within commuting distance of London, to ensure that they can continue their royal duties in the city. 

While it has yet to be confirmed where exactly the Cambridges will be dwelling, one property has been repeatedly mentioned as a prime candidate for the family of five. Fort Belvedere, a turreted royal residence nestled within the grounds of Great Windsor Park, is rumored to be favored by both William and Kate—and it's easy to see why. 

Fort Belvedere

Fort Belvedere

(Image credit: Print Collector / Contributor / Getty Images)

With its 135 acres of surrounding land, this country house is perfect for giving their active children the space to explore and play, without ousting them too far from the buzz of Central London. It's also conveniently located a 25-minute drive from George and Charlotte's private school, Thomas's Battersea, meaning there would be no need for awkward re-enrollments. 

However, it appears not everyone is too impressed with the couple's plans to move. 

"Their London circle is aghast," writes Anna Tyzack for the Telegraph, adding that "their green-welly friends" believe "this corner of Berkshire as not proper countryside and horribly naff." 

This social stigma of moving to the 'wrong' part of the countryside is likely to be canceled out, however, by the quality of life that Windsor could offer. As well as promising more nature for the outdoorsy family, it's also relatively close to Kate's parents' house in Bucklebury. With Carole and Michael Middleton just 15 miles away, the busy couple will be able to rely more easily on the grandparents for babysitting help and much-needed socialization. 

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to us. 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.