Prince George is a 'prankster' who loves to 'play tricks'—but royal life 'hasn't gone to his head'

Prince George's 'normal' childhood has helped to keep the seven-year-old grounded, according to a royal expert

Prince George's 'normal' childhood has helped to preserve his humility, according to a royal expert
(Image credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo)

Prince George may be King of England one day, but for the time being, he's focusing on just being a kid. 

When Prince George is asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he doesn't need to think too hard. 

As the eldest of Prince William and Kate Middleton's three children, the seven-year-old will one day inherit the British throne and take on the lofty responsibility of King of England. The immense power would be enough to make even the humblest of kids develop an ego, but it looks like George hasn't let the weight of the Crown swell his head just yet. 

According to royal expert Duncan Larcombe, the Cambridge firstborn has enjoyed a relatively normal childhood at his Kensington Palace home—complete with lots of fun activities and family banter with his younger siblings, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. 

REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo

(Image credit: REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo)

"Although Prince George might be future King of the Castle, he's not King of the Castle yet," Larcombe told OK! magazine. 

"He's not Little Lord Fauntleroy. He's a rascal (almost) eight-year-old—full of mischief and always playing tricks and pranks on his younger sister and brother."

Royal followers were treated to a rare insight into the Cambridge firstborn's personality at the weekend when Prince George’s reaction to England losing Euro 2020 was captured in pictures. The adorable football fan was seen cheering with Will and Kate during the historic match against Italy, only to fall somber in response to the defeat of his national team. 

Prince George watching England at Wembley

(Image credit: Getty)

However, it isn't often that the King-to-be is spotted at official engagements with his parents. 

Unlike royal children of previous generations, George has been able to live his youth away from the glare of the media. He spends most of his time at his South London private school and participating in extracurricular activities, where he is treated just like any other non-aristocratic pupil. 

On the weekends, George, Charlotte, and Louis go on bike rides and play games under the supervision of their nanny Maria. They also go to kids' parties in other family homes, which help them escape the insular world of the palace and mingle with regular folks. This no-frills nurture has been key to preventing the dreaded 'goldfish bowl' existence past royals endured growing up. 

Geoffrey Robinson / Alamy Stock Photo

(Image credit: Geoffrey Robinson / Alamy Stock Photo)

"You can see that George is full of beans and full of fun," Duncan said. "And if William and Kate get this right with him, he could literally have the world's greatest upbringing because he wouldn't have to worry about things that might worry a normal (almost) eight-year-old, like daddy hasn't got his job anymore, or mummy's stressed about Covid." 

This doesn't mean his world is stress-free though. Like his father, George is expected to start training to be King as early as adolescence. With such a heavy burden on his shoulders, it's important that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge adequately prepare him to rule the country without overwhelming him. 

"They will have to explain the extraordinary circumstances he's been born into and hope, as a result, his head doesn't pop and he doesn't become a complete lunatic, as has happened to some members of his family," Duncan added. 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.