Prince Charles' 'exhausted' appearance has royal fans worried for future King's health

Prince Charles looked 'tired' during his latest engagement, according to royal fans

Prince Charles' 'exhausted' appearance leaves fans worried
(Image credit: Getty)

Prince Charles' latest public engagement has caused quite the alarm with royal fans, with many commenting on the future King's 'tired' appearance. 

Prince Charles' fans have raised concerns over his health, after noting that the King-to-be looked a little peakier than usual at his latest engagement. 

The Prince of Wales, 73, visited the space firm, Astroscale, in Oxfordshire on Thursday morning to learn about its work in removing debris from orbiting the Earth—and to try out some of its groundbreaking technologies himself. 

He then traveled to the nearby UK Atomic Energy Authority, a government research organization, to learn about the role of fusion energy in tackling the climate crisis. 

The eldest of the Queen's children has long been a champion of environmental projects, having launched several of his own sustainability initiatives over the past few decades. Prince Charles even warned that COP26 was a 'last chance saloon' at saving the planet, telling world leaders at the Glasgow summit that "the future of humanity and nature herself are at stake". 

It's understood that he personally requested to visit the UK Atomic Energy Authority, rather than wait for an invitation, after hearing about its fantastic work. 

Always one for learning something new, the Prince listened attentively as engineers explained to him the mechanics of splitting an atom. He was also introduced to the world’s largest and most powerful tokamak, a device that creates fusion energy without releasing carbon into the air. 

“It just occurred while we’re making rather a mess of this planet, that it might be useful to have an environmental management agreement for space," he remarked while speaking to Science Minister George Freeman. 

Unfortunately, for all the talk on energy, it looks like Prince Charles wasn't feeling too lively himself. Multiple fans expressed worries for the future King's wellbeing after watching a Youtube video of the engagement, with many pointing out that he looks visibly fatigued. The comments come not long after speculation over Prince Charles' red cheeks led to concerns for the royal's long-term health. 

"He looks exhausted!" one person posted. 

Prince Charles

Royal fans say Prince Charles looked 'exhausted' on his most recent engagement 

(Image credit: Getty)

"Is it me or does Prince Charles look very tired and worn like [sic] if his health is not good," another concerned royal follower wrote. 

Some folks even speculated that his weary appearance could be related to his ongoing conflict with his youngest son, Prince Harry. 

It's understood that Prince Charles and the Duke of Sussex have been on frosty terms ever since the 37-year-old withdrew from the Royal Family with his wife, Meghan Markle, in early 2020. Harry has since spoken of inheriting 'genetic pain and suffering' from his elders—a comment that is believed to have deeply upset the Prince of Wales. 

(Image credit: Getty)

"I think he looks sad and careworn. When the son you love very much goes away and trashes you publicly, that is heartbreaking," one person commented. 

It's also possible that the Prince is simply under a lot of pressure, as he prepares to ascend the throne in the aftermath of the Queen's death. Charles will be forced to contend with an undeniably fractured British monarchy when his mother dies, which will likely be the most difficult chapter of his service. 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.