As Meghan Markle turns 42, a celebrity astrologer predicts ‘romantic misunderstandings’ but a career ‘bounce back’ for the duchess

Meghan Markle celebrated her 42nd birthday on August 4

A celebrity astrologer reveals what's in store for Meghan Markle as she celebrates her 42nd birthday
(Image credit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Meghan Markle celebrated her 42nd birthday earlier this week, and her plans included a lowkey dinner out with Prince Harry in Montecito. While the Sussexes continue to remain relatively under the radar, woman&home speak with a celebrity astrologer to find out what the future might have in store for Meghan as she enters a new year.

Astrology. Some people swear by it, others swear off going anywhere near people who ascribe to it.

Still, there’s something fun about delving into your weekly horoscopes – which, by the way, we only have thanks to a surprising royal figure who helped invent them.

With Meghan Markle turning 42 on August 4, there’s never been a better chance to check in with the higher powers to see what’s supposedly in store for the Duchess of Sussex.

'romantic misunderstandings' might be on the way for Meghan Markle, according to the stars

(Image credit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, celebrity astrologer Inbaal Honigman reveals some surprising insight into the Duchess of Sussex, as told by the stars.

She describes the estranged royal as “both fiery and caring, and has a great balance of the four classical elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.”

Meghan’s birthday this year coincides with an astrological event. As Inbaal explains, “Her 42nd birthday on August 4 is a time when the planet Venus, which rules love and the home, happens to be in retrograde. A retrograde is a time when a planet goes against its natural inclination, and during Venus in retrograde, this could be an uneasy time for love.”

Uh oh. Does this spell trouble for Harry and Meghan?

Not quite.

Meghan's astrological chart shows she's pre-destined to be tough and resilient

(Image credit: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images Ms. Foundation for Women)

Inbaal continues, “This Venus retrograde also hits Leos stronger, because the planet Venus happens to be in the sign of Leo for the entirety of the retrograde. This means that Leos, like Meghan, could experience a few romantic misunderstandings. This uneasy time around love lasts until September 3.”

As for what the stars have predicted for the future of the duchess following a rough few months – including lost deals and snubs from the Emmys for her Netflix series – things are looking up.

Meghan Markle will 'bounce back' even better after her recent lost deals

(Image credit: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

“Meghan’s lost deal with Spotify is of no consequence in the greater scheme of things. Due to the actress’s Jupiter sign, she will soon replace it with a similar or a better deal. The planet Jupiter rules luck and wealth, and in Meghan’s chart, Jupiter is in balanced Libra. Her finances always balance out, if one income goes, another arrives.”

“On Meghan’s birthday, Jupiter happens to be in Taurus, a sign that loves the finer things in life. Not only does this show that she’ll be financially secure, but it also indicates that many of her expenses will be covered by others, so sponsorship deals or an upmarket new talent agency will ensure that she doesn’t have to pay for a lot of luxury, while living extremely well.”

“We can expect to see her in commercials and collaborating with large manufacturers. The time of her 2023 birthday isn’t without its challenges, but Meghan will bounce back bigger and brighter, as she always does.”

“Her astrological chart indicates that she won’t be kept down.”

Jack Slater
Freelance writer

Jack Slater is not the Last Action Hero, but that's what comes up first when you Google him. Preferring a much more sedentary life, Jack gets his thrills by covering news, entertainment, celebrity, film and culture for woman&home, and other digital publications.

Having written for various print and online publications—ranging from national syndicates to niche magazines—Jack has written about nearly everything there is to write about, covering LGBTQ+ news, celebrity features, TV and film scoops, reviewing the latest theatre shows lighting up London’s West End and the most pressing of SEO based stories.