This is when to plant grass seed in spring, according to a lawn expert

Knowing the ideal time to plant grass seed in spring ensures your lawn will be in tip-top condition ahead of summer

one storey white modern house with large grass lawn to support an article on when to plant grass seed in spring
(Image credit: Getty Images | Itchy San)

Now spring has sprung it's all too easy to skip into the garden to start prepping and planting for summer, but tending to the lawn might require a little more patience because knowing when to plant grass seed in spring is not as straightforward as you might think.

Like any form of lawn maintenance, it's all about getting the timing right – waiting for the optimum conditions before pulling on your gardening gloves and trying to recreate the latest garden trends is key to avoiding common lawn care mistakes

A fine example of the importance of timing is knowing when to first cut the grass after winter because mowing too soon can have a detrimental effect on the grass. If you're wondering if now is the time to plant grass seed the answer will vary slightly depending on the condition of your soil and the weather in your area.

So whether starting from scratch or reseeding your existing plot, if you have visions of a perfectly manicured lawn this summer take note of our expert guidance on the ideal time to plant grass seed this spring.

When to plant grass seed in spring, according to an expert

A great gardening tip for beginners is to always know what to plant when and in what conditions because timing is key to anything thriving in your garden – and that goes for any season.

Chris McIlroy, a gardening expert at The Grass People explains how getting the timing right is the key to producing a healthy, luscious lawn for the year ahead – explaining why when to cut grass in spring is a variable timeframe, all dependent on the climate. 

"Before you start to think about sowing a new lawn, we strongly recommend checking in with your weather app," Chris advises. "New seeds will need temperatures of between 8-10 degrees to germinate."

"So make sure that this is the forecasted weather for at least 2 weeks after you plan on sowing, this includes overnight temperatures. This will happen at different times across the country, so always check the weather based on your precise location."

first signs of growth from planting grass seeds in spring

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Chris stresses, "Make sure that you check the weather 2 weeks in advance because as we see often, a cold snap can come around quickly." 

In conclusion, the best time to sow grass seed in spring is generally in the period between March and April when the weather conditions permit two solid weeks of steady climate conditions. You can, of course, sow grass seed after this time but you are more likely to be hit with hotter temperatures and therefore might not get the best results as desired. 

Recommending a grass seed for spring will vary for every homeowner, but Chris picks his three preferred seed options:

Chris McIlroy headshot
Chris McIlroy

Chris is the technical product lead and in-house lawn seed expert for The Grass People, a grass seed company that champions their expert lead advice and high-quality seed. His advice is focused on sowing, mowing, and maintaining a perfect lawn, and how to overcome any lawn issues homeowners face.

How to sow grass seeds: 9 expert tips

Once the temperatures are ideal for seeding you can begin sowing the seeds. Here are Chris' tops tips for planting your grass seeds:

  • Dig the soil over to a depth of 20-25cm
  • Remove weeds by hand or use a weed killer.
  • Add topsoil if you believe the soil to be poor quality, ensuring it is nutrient rich
  • Consider applying a quick-release pre-seed fertilizer to get nutrients into the soil at a faster rate to encourage quicker growth
  • Rake the area to get a level seedbed to ensure even distribution for coverage
  • Sow the seed at our recommended rate of 50g per meter squared, by using a seed spreader or your hand
  • Rake the seed in after sowing so that the seed is in amongst the soil 
  • Firm down the area to improve seed-to-soil contact, either by foot or by using a roller 
  • Water well, when sowing a new grass seeds experts recommend watering your lawn deeply and daily for the next six weeks, avoiding watering on days when there is rainfall.

watering can on a lawn to show the importance of watering a lawn when you plant grass seed in spring

(Image credit: Getty Images | Flavio Coelho)


How long does grass take to grow?

Indicating how long grass takes to grow is not an exact science because it all depends on conditions and the kind of seed you are sowing, however, Chris says that generally, "grass seed takes around ten days to grow after sowing and will be fully established and ready for use roughly 6-8 weeks after initially sowing. 

"However, this relies on a number of factors falling into place. Most importantly, the right conditions are needed at the time of sowing and just after. Ideally, grass seed should be sown when temperatures range between 8-10 degrees consistently for at least two weeks."

Once your grass has started to grow over the next few months you'll need to ensure you are mowing your lawn frequently enough and fertilising the grass when needed to keep it looking its best, but not too much that you start to damage the grass blades. 

Follow our expert guidance as above and you'll have a backyard bursting with a luscious covering of happy and healthy grass all summer long – ready to show off when hosting your garden parties.

Tamara Kelly
Lifestyle Editor

Tamara is a highly experienced homes and interiors journalist with a career spanning over 22 years. Now the Lifestyle Editor of, she previously spent 18 years working with the style teams at Country Homes & Interiors and Ideal Home. With these award-winning interior teams, she gained a wealth of knowledge and honed her skills and passion for styling and writing about every aspect of lifestyle and interiors.

A true homes and interiors expert, Tamara has been an ambassador for leading interior brands on multiple occasions, including appearing on Matalan’s The Show and presenting at top interior trend forecasting events such as the Autumn Fair and Spring Fair.