Monty Don says now is the time to protect your plants from a possible 'hard frost' this October

Now the cold weather is here, your outdoor plants will need a little help with surviving the upcoming frosty temperatures

composite of a cloche, Monty Don and pelargoniums in pots
(Image credit: Getty Images)

While it feels like worries of snow and frost are still months away, according to gardening expert Monty Don now is the time to prepare your gardens.

Knowing how to protect your plants from frost is one of the most important steps to winter gardening. Although you may think that your garden's needs subside during winter, this should be one of the busiest times of the year.

One of the tasks you need to get started on is preparing your outdoor plants for any surprise temperature drops that might be coming. Yes, even in October. Gardening expert Monty Don stresses just how crucial it is to employ your frost defences before you need them.

Monty Don's frost protection advice

Now the essential September garden jobs are out of the way, you may have assumed you have time to relax indoors for the rest of the season. Monty Don is here to tell you that sadly couldn't be more wrong.

On his monthly blog, Monty explains how gardeners should be stocking up on winter protection for their plants now. He says, "If you do not already possess them, invest in horticultural fleece and some cloches."

He adds, "The point is that these are only useful if you have and employ them before you need them and there is no guarantee that there will not be a hard frost in October."

If you are a beginner in vegetable gardening, you might not have known that some of your less hardy crops need this added layer of protection.

Monty points out that cloches are great for rows of vegetables, as they keep them both dry and warm. He says, "Although I always leave the ends open – happy to trade some heat for some ventilation."

Fleece, he explains, is the best temporary protection against frost, whether laid out over small plants or draped over shrubs and bushes. Aside from the essential tools every gardener should own, fleece and cloches are a good tool to always have on standby.

picture of raised bed with thermal blanket covering it to protect plants

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Some plants will need even more protection from the harsh weather, with both fleece and cloches not being enough for them. Patio container plants and other more delicate species may need to be taken undercover either in your home or shed.

"Bring tender plants in under cover before they need protection. In my garden this includes Bananas, salvias, citrus, pomegranates, olives, pelargoniums, succulents, fuchsias, eucomis and hedychium but NOT dahlias and cannas, which can be left in situ until the first signs of frost damage have affected them," explains Monty.

It may seem high maintenance having to move your plants around during the different seasons but it's the best way to ensure long-lasting crops and flowers. Otherwise, why not plant some of the best winter bedding plants? They'll make your life a whole lot easier.

Shop plant protection products

Once you've protected your plants, you can also get started on planting bulbs for next spring. Sarah Raven shared some great winter bulb advice for both flowers and vegetables, but you'll have to be quick as now is the best time for getting them in the ground.

Emily Smith
Digital lifestyle writer

Emily joined woman&home as a staff writer after finishing her MA in Magazine Journalism from City University in 2023. After writing various health and news content, she now specialises in lifestyle and home writing where she covers all things cleaning, interiors and homeowning.