The Blood Type Diet


Planning a New Years health kick? Tried and tested by celebrities including Elizabeth Hurley and Demi Moore, the increasingly popular Blood Type Diet has got everyone talking. If you've ever wondered why some people tend to lose weight more quickly than others, the answer could be in your blood type. Coined by naturopath doctor Peter D'Amamo, he believes that our blood type can determine how our bodies react to different nutrients, what sort of exercise we should be doing, and even what diseases we are likely to develop. In his book, Eat Right For Your Blood Type, he explains that a chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. Therefore, if you follow a diet specially designed for your blood type your body should be able to quickly digest food, lose weight, gain energy and steer clear of illness. Read on to find out what you should really be eating...

Type O

Widely considered the hunter-gatherers of the blood types, these meat eaters can easily digest protein and fat. They can have plenty of fish, lamb and turkey, but may have difficulty digesting dairy or wheat products. Fot the Type O, carbohydrates are easily burned into fats. Pulses like beans and lentils should be avoided, as should caffeine and alcohol. Type Os are more suited to intense physical exercise like running and they are particularly susceptible to developing allergies such as hay-fever, and conditions like arthritis. Type A

When the hunter-gatherers died out, our ancestors started relying more on vegetables to supply their diet. Type As thrive on a vegetarian diet as they can easily digest grains and plants. However, they must watch their sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake. They are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and benefit from calming exercise like yoga or walking.

Type B

Lucky Type Bs can eat most foods as they have a strong digestive system. But corn and wheat should be consumed in moderation, and chicken should be avoided - opt for turkey instead. They can eat lots of other meats including lamb, venison and fish. They should incorporate low-fat dairy into their diet, but nuts, seeds, and grains should be avoided. Type Bs are suited to moderate forms of exercise such as swimming or cycling.

Type AB

Making up just 5% of the population, this is the both the newest and the rarest blood type. Staple foods include green vegetables, seafood, tofu and turkey. Red meat should be limited and dairy can be worked into the diet as well. Type AB may find it difficult to digest acidic fruits like oranges, but they can enjoy other fruits such as melon or grapes. A moderate amount of carbohydrates is advisable but corn should be avoided, as should cured meats, chicken, beef, pork, caffeine and alcohol. Type AB are more susceptible to developing heart disease, cancer and anaemia, and they benefit from gentle exercise like hiking or dance.