The Bikini Promise

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

The Bikini Promise is a brand new plan for a slimmer, healthier body...

In recent years, Lorraine Kelly has revealed her impressive two stone weight-loss and toned bikini body. She's even shown off her brilliant figure live on This Morning. So how has she done it?

The presenter revealed in a recent interview that she has never felt more confident, and it's all thanks to The Bikini Promise - a new plan promoting a slimmer, healthier and happier body!

Ten years ago, completely out of the blue, nutritionist, TV presenter and The Bikini Promise, £6.99, creator, Sally Bee suffered three heart attacks due to a very rare heart condition that she didn't know she had. "It was really tough", she says. "I had to say goodbye to my husband and three babies as the doctors said I was going to die. My heart stopped, my eyes closed and all the pain I was suffering went away.

"My next breath was a miracle, and from that breath onwards I've been committed to making sure that I keep my body in the best shape possible. It's important to say that I didn't suffer my heart attacks because I was unfit or overweight, but I did survive them because I had taken good care of myself beforehand. And that is the starting point for you on this Bikini Promise journey.

"This summer, instead of feeling the usual dread when you put your jumpers in the loft and get out your summer wardrobe, you are going to have a completely different experience thanks to the Bikini Promise..."

Keep clicking to find out how to get started on The Bikini Promise...

The Bikini Promise: The basic principles

The Bikini Promise: The basic principles

"The very first thing to do is to cut out all chemicals and processed food from your life", says Sally Bee (left). "You are going to start 'clean eating', in other words eating fresh, largely unprocessed food in its most natural form. That's not say this is an eating plan filled with mung beans and spinach; when you look at the recipes you'll see that they are all recognisable family favourites that will feed your soul as well as your body. "Most diets focus purely on either counting calories or cutting out carbs, with weight loss as the main aim. This is the wrong way to approach losing weight. What we need to do is focus on eating for health, then weight loss will be a very easy-to-achieve side effect."

The Bikini Promise: What about meal times?

The Bikini Promise: What about meal times?

The Bikini Promise is all about delicious family dishes made healthier. Sally Bee advocates starting the day with a good breakfast, such as a wholegrain bagel and cream cheese with a side of strawberries or 2 crumpets with Marmite, as you will fast for 12 hours overnight. Here's one of Sally Bee's favourite dinner recipes to get you started - turkey burger on a sweet potato fritter.

The Bikini Promise: Need or greed?

The Bikini Promise: Need or greed?

According to Sally Bee, it's also vital to make sure you're working out if your body really needs that certain food, or if you just fancy it if you're bored, hungover, or tired. And sadly, it may mean sacrificing that coffee morning with friends... "It's also a good idea to ask yourself, is it need or greed when you are about to eat? If you haven't eaten for 3 or 4 hours and feel hungry, you know this is a need meal; therefore your meal needs to be nutritious to fuel your body. "If however, you have had breakfast and then meet friends for coffee and cake one hour later, this isn't a need meal, it is a greed meal. When you are in the process of getting healthy and losing weight, try not to put yourself in the position of eating a greed meal, or at least wait for a special occasion to enjoy a special and worthwhile treat."

The Bikini Promise: Measure portions in plate sizes

(Image credit: Rex Features)

The Bikini Promise: Measure portions in plate sizes

Sally says that it's key to measure portion sizes in terms of your plate if you want to look trim and stay trim. "If you still struggle with portion sizes think about the size of your plate. Using large plates encourages us to eat more. Numerous studies have shown the more we put on our plates, the more we eat. Indeed, one study found adults ate 34% more pasta when served a large portion than when given a smaller bowlful. This equates to a third more calories."

The Bikini Promise: Match your meals to your day

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

The Bikini Promise: Match your meals to your day

When we're busy, we'lll inevitably need more calories to keep is going - and this is Sally's basis for the diet plan. She said, on ITV's Lorraine website, "Meal matching is quite simply matching the food you eat to your activities. For example, if I am sitting at my desk for most of the week, I don’t need lots of spare energy, but I do still need lots of good nutrients to keep my brain sharp. A full 8 hours writing a day is not physically draining but it sure makes my brain hurt! In this case I would go for a light breakfast and lunch, consisting of fish or chicken with a delicious salad (no soggy lettuce leaves in sight I might add!) or some roasted vegetables. This would nourish me but not make me sleepy during the afternoon when I’ve got my editor breathing down my neck wanting finished work."

"I would then probably only need another light meal at around 6pm, as sitting all day at a desk doesn’t use many calories. If on the other hand, I am having a busy week, rushing around from one event to another, needing lots more energy to keep me active throughout the day, I would go for a slightly heavier breakfast that would keep me going longer, such as porridge and fruit - I would make sure I had plenty of nuts, raisins and fruit in my bag for on-the-go snacks and I would try and make time for a more substantial lunch. This is especially important if I thought I wouldn’t get a decent evening meal at a decent time."

The Bikini Promise: No food before bed!

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

The Bikini Promise: No food before bed!

Apparently, your body actually needs a long break from eating... "My rule is to have your last meal of the day 12 hours before you are due to have your breakfast. Your body needs a 12-hour break without food. So, if you have breakfast at 7.30am, don't eat dinner any later than 7.30pm the night before. This will not only aid your weight loss but you'll wake up with better skin, clearer eyes and no dry mouth or sore throat. "Try it! No excuses! I've heard them all. I can't afford to buy healthy food. I don't have time to cook. I haven't the time to exercise. The fact is, being overweight causes health problems that can lead to an early death. By then it will be too late for excuses! Make the changes now so that you can enjoy a full and healthy life. I only survived my three heart attacks at the age of 36 because I was fit and well before. Had I been overweight, I would have died."

The Bikini Promise: How is your body going to look?

The Bikini Promise: How is your body going to look?

"Whatever your body shape, I want you to know, understand and believe it can be a beautiful body', says Sally Bee. "Do not pay too much attention to photoshopped images in the media. I have seen many 'beautiful' media bodies in real life, and let me tell you, they all have dimpling here and there! "So choose someone you love the look of who has a similar shape to your own. Print out a picture of them and stick it in your fridge. Start to imagine yourself in that body...What clothes would you wear? Would you feel proud, confident, happy and confident? The answer is yes!"

Buy The Bikini Promise by Sally Bee

Buy The Bikini Promise by Sally Bee

For even more recipe ideas and Sally's top tips, buy The Bikini Promise by Sally Bee (£6.99)