I got 97 mosquito bites while travelling and these beauty creams actually helped

For instant relief from pesky, itchy bites, a beauty editor reveals the products that soothed her skin on a recent trip

Close up of woman applying cream to her shoulder in a frame on a blue watercolour-style background
(Image credit: Getty Images)

We all look forward to going on holiday. But with the sand, sea and sun in full force, you may find that the elements can start to work against you. And when it comes to biting bugs, the unlucky among us may just find ourselves in itching hell.

That’s certainly the position I was in when I visited Sri Lanka and Singapore recently. At one point during my travels, I counted a hideous – yet somehow comical – 97 bites across my body. Not only had I been attacked by every mosquito within a 10-mile radius (apparently), but I also found myself grappling with sand flies after surfing sessions, as well as other biting pests during a sunrise safari. Why I didn’t wear long trousers, I will never know.

Luckily, I had packed a truckload of beauty goodies that could help. This is largely because I bought a one-way ticket to travel, so I was packing for several months rather than a short break. This means that I’ve had time to do the legwork and try all the best multi-purpose beauty creams to discover which one you truly need to pack for your next holiday.

Why soothing post-bite creams are my travel must-have

I’ve always been most susceptible to mosquito bites, no matter who I travel with. If you’re the same, there may be a reason for that. Charlotte Vøhtz, organic skincare expert and the founder of Green People, notes that “some people are more prone to mosquito bites” than others. Several factors can affect this, from the levels of lactic acid, uric acid and ammonia in your body odour to higher body temperatures, blood types (those with O are most prone to bites) and increased carbon dioxide exhalation (usually because of physical activity).

Charlotte says that for those who have been bitten, you should opt for either aloe vera, which “is soothing and helps reduce inflammation,” or hydrating lotions “containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and ceramides to help hydrate the skin and restore the barrier.”

As well as these – and along with any beauty product I’m about to mention – it’s advised you invest in an effective mosquito repellent product and medicinal treatments (such as hydrocortisone creams) for any bites you do experience.

The top 5 beauty creams for aiding mosquito bite symptoms, according to a beauty editor

Rebecca Fearn

Rebecca (best known as Becky) is a freelance beauty editor and features writer with a decade worth of experience in the industry. She started her career at Glamour UK and has since worked in roles at titles and brands such as Eliza, Bustle and Space NK. She has written for British, US and Australian publications, from Marie Claire and Refinery29 to Stylist and The Coveteur.

She is a keen traveller and often works on the road, covering everything from beauty and fashion to sex, love and dating. Her favourite pieces to write are first person features born from her experiences in the world. She is proudly queer, feminist and pro-choice, and advocates for mental health issues and women's rights. You can check out her work at her portfolio and on her Instagram.