Clarkson's Farm star Lisa Hogan shares hilarious 'unwanted' video of sweatproof makeup we all need right now

The actress-turned-farmer shared her top tips for keeping makeup in place in the heat

Lisa Hogan
(Image credit: Getty Images / Jeff Spicer)

Clarkson's farm star Lisa Hogan has shared a video detailing what's in her make up bag, calling it the content 'you never asked for', but I (and many others) beg to differ. 

I've watched every series of Clarkson's Farm, and while there's something to love about all the cast (Jeremy included), Lisa is a firm favourite. Her no nonsense approach to everything the farm throws at her and wicked sense of humour make her a joy to watch. And she's brought the same energy to Instagram, with her very own uniquely-Lisa beauty video, offering some top-notch makeup tips for older women and anyone wanting to survive the humid British heat. 

'I've been asked so many times what's in my makeup bag, by absolutely nobody, and this is what I chucked into my bag.' Hogan goes on to reveal a bag of makeup products she uses while out and about on the farm. 'I don't really know what to wear when I'm outside, I don't want to wear something heavy, I want to have something that is sweat-proof.'

Shop heat-proof makeup

There are so many things to love about this post – Lisa's humour, honesty, the fact that she manages to look amazing while sat in the middle of a field applying her make up, the goat that makes a cameo and she tells so lovingly is 'perfect'. But as much as it's entertaining, it's also serves as a fantastic product recommendation for sweat-proof makeup – something many of us need right now (and all year round, if, like me, your hormones can't decide what they are up to from one day to the next). 

And Lisa's video clearly struck a chord with her followers too, with hundreds of them quick to say thank you.  'You are so funny. As a horse trainer, waterproof mascara is a must,' said one. 'Thanks for the tip, Lisa. Need some sweat proof makeup. Bloody hot flushes,' wrote another. 

Lisa signed off brilliantly with: 'There you go, something you never asked for, and couldn't give a shit about - now you know.' 

One thing Lisa didn't mention was her outfit, but people were quick to ask how she was dressed for a day on the farm – her green 'Diddly Squat' bucket hat, white ME+EM blouse and jeans combination is definitely inspiring my summer capsule wardrobe

We can't help but wonder, now having invested in the company, whether the makeup Lisa is using now counts as local produce and she's allowed to sell it in the Diddly Squat farm shop...

Kerrie Hughes

Kerrie is the editor of woman&home (digital). For seven years previously she was editor of Future’s world-leading design title Creative Bloq, and has written for titles including T3, Coach and Fit&Well on a wide range of lifestyle topics.


After a decade of working in retail, Kerrie went back to education at the ripe old age of 27, graduating with a first-class honours degree in creative writing three years later. Her career in journalism began soon after, when she secured a job as a staff writer at Future Plc. In the 14 years since, she has worked her way up to editor level, gaining a wealth of digital experience along the way.

As a woman&home reader and a senior digital editor, Kerrie’s main purpose is to ensure the brand delivers high-quality, relevant content to help enrich and improve women’s lives – a responsibility she feels hugely passionate about.  

Outside of work, if she manages to find a spare minute around her three young children, geriatric dog and activity-obsessed fiance, you’ll find her either throwing a barbell about at Crossfit, with her head in a good thriller novel or building one of the latest Lego ideas sets.