Low Fat Lemon Posset Recipe

(2168 ratings)

Lower-Fat Lemon Posset--dessert recipes-recipes-recipe ideas-new recipes-woman and home
Preparation Time5 mins plus 4 hours cooling
Cooking Time10 mins
Total Time15 mins
Nutrition Per PortionRDA
Calories165 Kcal8%
Fat9 g13%
Saturated Fat6 g30%

Just when you thought lemon posset couldn't get any better, our food director Jane goes and makes it a low fat dessert. These delicious little pots of lemony cream are the perfect way to end a meal, refreshing the palette and leaving you feeling suitably satisfied without being bloated.

The trick to a good lemon posset is to make sure you chill them down for enough time, to get a nice even set on them. They're then perfect for dunking biscuits into! You can make this simple recipe well in advance if you're expecting guests. This easy dessert recipe keeps well and can then be presented at the last minute with some fresh fruit and lemon zest, delicious.


  • 425ml (14½fl oz) half-fat crème fraîche
  • 100g (4oz) caster sugar
  • 2 lemons
  • raspberries, to serve

You will need

  • 6 ramekins or small glasses


  1. Place the crème fraîche and sugar into a large saucepan – big enough to allow the mixture to boil vigorously. Strip the peel from the lemons with a potato peeler (it gives a more intense flavour) and add to the crème fraîche. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil and allow it to boil vigorously for 5 minutes, stirring often so the bottom doesn’t burn. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add to the crème fraîche. Remove from the heat and strain through a sieve.
  2. Pour the mixture into ramekins or glasses. If you’re using glasses, allow the mixture to cool slightly before pouring. Chill in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours. The set will be slightly softer than one traditionally made with cream, so don’t worry if it doesn’t firm up as much as you expected. Decorate with the raspberries. The possets will keep in the fridge for 3 days.
Jane Curran

Jane Curran is a freelance food editor, stylist, writer and consultant based in Cape Town. Former food director of TI Media & woman&home. All about food, wine (dipWSET), gardening and the Arsenal.