Lose Up To Four Pounds With The One Day Diet

21 Day Detox Diet

Looking to lose the last bit of excess weight? With diet guru Joanna Hall's super one day diet plan, you could lose up to four pounds in 24 hours!

Check out the plan and see the recipes below...

What to eat
first thing

Body Cleanser Elixir Drink

Add the juice of ½ a lemon and 30 drops neem tincture (mixed in cold water) to a mug of hot water with 2tsp honey (serves 1).

Good Morning Body Juice (space these apart to give your body time to absorb and start to utilise the nutrients)

Wash and juice ¼ fennel bulb, 1 apple, ½ pear, 4 sprigs mint, 6 sprigs parsley, 1cm (½in) piece ginger, peeled. Add 1tsp Pure Synergy (or other living green powder) and mix with a fork (serves 1).


Body Blender Breakfast

Place 2dsp porridge oats, 1dsp wheatgerm, 3 semi-dried prunes, 1tsp ground flaxseed, lecithin granules and a little nutmeg in a measuring jug and top up to 200ml (7fl oz) boiling water. Soak for 20 minutes. Pour in a blender. Rinse jug with 100ml (4fl oz) hot water and add to blender. Whizz for a minute. Pour into a bowl and top with 2tsp pumpkin seeds, ½ apple or pear, chopped, or a few strawberries. (serves 1).

Mid-morning (space these out through the morning)

1 detox tea

6 almonds or walnuts

1 apple


Vitality Soup

Blend until smooth: 1 x 400g tin organic tomatoes, ½ small red onion, chopped, 1 small red pepper, chopped, large chunk cucumber, chopped, 2 garlic cloves, 1 fresh chilli or Tabasco sauce to taste, handful of basil. Add 1tbsp olive oil and 1tsp sugar to taste and blend for ten seconds. Season with black pepper and chill in fridge. Top with ½ avocado, 1dsp lecithin and chopped parsley (serves 2).


Body Cleanser Elixir Drink

1 Sanity Snack

In a blender chop 8 walnut halves, then add 1dsp almond butter, 1dsp pure fruit spread, 1dsp lecithin, 1tsp ground flaxseed, 1 dried fig, chopped, 3 dates, chopped, and mix for 30 seconds. Divide into 8 portions and make each into a ball. Roll in cocoa powder and chill for 30 minutes (they last for 4 days). Create a three-day detox by dropping the Nutty Evening Energiser and eating grilled chicken or fish with a little olive oil plus steamed or raw vegetables.


Nutty Evening Energiser

Blend 1dsp almond butter, 200ml (7fl oz) orange juice and ½ banana until smooth. Pour into a bowl and serve with ½ apple or pear (leftover from breakfast) and 6 walnut halves (serves 1).

1 detox tea before bed - just remember to drink lots of water for real success.

Nutrition notes You'll find lecithin pure fruit spread and Dr Stuart's Detox Tea at your health store. Pure Synergy or any living green powder are nutrient-rich superfoods. Neem tincture is a bitter, cleansing herb. Find them at nutricentre.com. Joanna admits that Pure Synergy is pricey but worth it. Use it daily for extra energy!

Find the diet plus a follow-on three-day cleanse, long-term weight loss plan and delicious recipes for smoothies, juices and health snacks in Joanna Hall's terrific book The 24 Hour Diet (Harper Thorsons, £6.99).